Admission Policy & Procedure
Admission to the School is open to all boys and girls between the age of 9 to 16 irrespective of social status, religion or nationality. Applications are usually accepted up to the first week of November for any particular year for the candidates seeking admission into Class V (about 20 girls and 45 boys), Class VI (about 05 girls and 10 boys) and Class VII (about 10 girls and 15 boys).Entrance Tests for these classes are conducted on the second Sunday of November. A limited number of applications are also considered against definite vacancies, for admission to Classes VIII, IX & XI. Applications are received in December and candidates are called for an Entrance Test/Personal Interaction usually on the second Sunday of February for classes VIII and IX, while in April for Class XI (immediately after the Class X Board Examination).The same will continue till further notice.
Online Registration:The age criteria for admissions to these classes are as follows:
Class | Age (in years) as on 1st March in the year of admission. |
V | 8 years 9 months to 10 years 3 months |
VI | 9 years 9 months to 11 years 3 months |
VII | 10 years 9 months to 12 years 3 months |
VIII | 11 years 9 months to 13 years 3 months |
IX | 12 years 9 months to 14 years 3 months |
XI | 14 years 9 months to 16 years 3 months |
Note: No Admission in Class X & XII (being Board Classes) |
Registration Forms along with the prospectus for classes V, VI and VII are available in the School Office. The registration forms can also be downloaded from the School website(www.sanawar.edu.in). Completed registration forms should be sent to the School by post. For Classes V, VI and VII, admission is based on the results of an Entrance Test held in November of the year preceding the year of admission, followed by a Personal Interaction.
Registration requirements:
To register your ward for the Common Entrance Test, please send a request for the Application Form with a Demand Draft worth Rs.5,000 in favour of "The Headmaster, The Lawrence School, Sanawar". Alternatively, the Registration Form, available on the school website can be downloaded and submitted to the school. Also, a candidate can be registered
online directly from the School website (www.sanawar.edu.in)
The child will be registered only on receipt of the appropriate fee remitted either by Demand Draft made payable to The Headmaster, The Lawrence School, Sanawar at the State Bank of India, Sanawar ( Branch Code : 50199; IFSC Code:SBIN0050199) or by online transfer. In addition, the School will also require a self-attested photocopy of the child's birth certificate.
A Transfer Certificate from the previous school is required at the time of admission.
1. For General Category and NRI/Foreign National
Please note that if you are submitting the 'Registration Form after downloading from the school website, you need to send a demand draft worth Rs.20,000/- [i.e. Rs. 5000/- as the cost of Prospectus and Rs. 15,000/- as the Registration Fee].
2. For Defense Serving Personnel
Please note that if you are submitting the 'Registration Form' after downloading from the school's website, you need to send a demand draft worth Rs.20,000/- [i.e. Rs. 5,000/- as the cost of Prospectus and Rs. 15,000/- as the Registration Fee].
Demand Draft has to be made in favour of "Headmaster, The Lawrence School, Sanawar",
Payable at the State Bank of India, Sanawar (Branch Code No. 50199). Alternatively, the fees can also be remitted online to school bank account as per the details given below:
1. State Bank of India
- Bank A/C No. 65004200377
- Name of Account Headmaster, The Lawrence School, Sanawar
- Branch: Sanawar
- IFSC: SBIN0050199
- OR
2. HDFC Bank
- Bank A/C No. 99900000001847
- Name of Account Headmaster, The Lawrence School, Sanawar
- Branch: Dharampur
- IFSC: HDFC0002900
For online transaction, the Bank details with the Candidate's name must be written in the Registration Form
The completed form is to be sent to the school along with the Birth Certificate of the candidate, two latest Passport Size Photographs (coloured) of the candidate and Admission/Registration fee as stated above.
* Subsidized Application Fee of Rs.500/- will be applicable to Old Sanawarians and to the real Brother/Sister studying in the School.
Once a registration number has been allotted to the candidate, both the registration fee and the application fee will be treated as non-transferable as well as non-refundable.
On completion of all necessary registration formalities, the applicant will be allotted a Registration Number. The same will be sent by post/email and the same will be used in all subsequent correspondence. Registration does not imply any guarantee of admission. Registration of a child can be done any time till a month before the entrance date of the relevant year. Please note that the school will not accept any request for changes in the date of birth after the child has been admitted.
For any clarification on admission process, please contact the Students’ Section. The email is: studentsection@sanawar.edu.in
The Admission Test comprises of the following components:
1. English (a written test of 100 marks: Time duration one hour)
2. Mathematics (a written test of 100 marks: Time duration one hour)
3. Science (a written test of 100 marks: Time duration one hour)
4. Hindi (a written test of 100 marks: Time duration one hour)
* Students who have not studied Hindi for more than three years are exempted from this test at the discretion of the Headmaster, on request. A certified copy of subjects studied from the previous school is mandatory for seeking any exemption from Hindi.
Sample Papers for the above-mentioned components are available on the School’s website.
A merit list is prepared on the basis of the performance in the written test. Depending upon the number of girls / boys to be admitted, students are called to the School for a Personal Interaction with the Headmaster.
A candidate must pass (40%) in all the subjects to be eligible and called for the Personal Interaction.
A student is awarded marks out of 100 based on the Personal Interaction. The School lays a lot of emphasis on communication skills, participation in sports and other extra-curricular activities and promotes reading habits. Due consideration is given to the students excelling in one or more such areas during their Personal Interaction. A final merit list is then prepared incorporating all the above components (written tests and Personal Interaction). The merit list is not published or displayed anywhere but individual results will be sent to the concerned parents. There is no reservation for any category. However, due consideration is given to siblings (sisters / brothers of students studied / studying in School), children of
Old Sanawarians and children whose parents are serving Defense personnel (a 25% subsidy in the fee for one child and 15% for sibling is admissible to the wards of serving Army/Navy/Air force Personnel, subject to the availability of the bursary for that year since the number of bursaries are fixed). However, the performance in the written test and Personal Interaction is the main criteria. Children who are unable to make it to the cut-off list are placed on a waiting list. Admission offers are made to such students (in the order of merit) if any student(s) decline the admission offer or leave the School. The vacancy thus created is specific to the Class / gender and cannot be switched / swapped. The waiting list is kept ‘alive’ for a period of one month after the declaration of the final result.
For classes VIII and IX admission is based on the results of an entrance examination and Personal Interaction held in February of the year of the admission. The examination pattern and the admission criteria for Classes VIII and IX is the same as for Classes V, VI and VII. The admission procedure for Class XI begins in April after the Class X Board Examination. Admissions are offered in Class XI strictly on the basis of the performance in the Personal Interaction with the Headmaster. Students opting for Commerce with Mathematics are tested in Mathematics while those who opt for Sciences are tested in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (for non-medical stream) and in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (for medical stream) for qualifying standards.
Given the nature of the School site and the demanding nature of the boarding life, the School reserves the right to refuse admission to those children who, in the view of the School's Resident Medical Officer, would be adversely challenged by the routine of the School.
The admission of a child will mean a complete acceptance by the parent/guardian of all School Rules as in force or as amended from time to time at the discretion of the School.
It is important for the School Office to have the parents' updated postal address, contact numbers and email addresses (if available). Offers of vacancy are datelined and will automatically lapse if formalities are not completed by the stipulated date.
The School reserves the right to refuse admission/re-admission without assigning any reason. The Headmaster's decision is final.All newly admitted children will be on probation for one year during which the parents and School will decide if the child should continue in the School.
New Academic session for the whole School commences from 15th February every year but for new admission it is from the first week of March.